
Showing posts from April, 2019


A brand name can be one of the most powerful assesses that a brand has; the name of a brand is what we recognise it by and refer to it as. It can lend credibility to product efficacy and provide an assurance of quality, show brand character and personality, as well making the brand memorable. Brand recognition is particularly influential in developing markets. More than two thirds of the developing market respondents say they prefer to buy new products from brands they're familiar with, and brand name is the key to familiarity, therefore careful consideration and creativity is key. I've recently been thinking about what makes a successful brand name, and of course, there is no simple explanation for this; many factors come into play when deciding whether a brand name works, such as the brand or company's tone, price range, products, ethos, values, etc. On this topic I decided to pick a brand name that I think doesn't quite work, and analyse it using my own perspective a...


Young reality television stars and Youtubers are the faces of 'health' and beauty products today, paid thousands to promote a product that they have most likely never used in their life. Although I have always been aware of this fake advertisement and the lies that we are told, I was especially shocked at one post I saw by Geordie Shore's famous reality television star, Chloe Ferry... If you know about Chloe, you'll know that she has paid thousands of pounds on surgery, completely altering her body shape and physical appearance into someone that almost looks unrecognisable in comparison to her natural self. Of course, there is nothing wrong with cosmetic surgery, but Chloe has completely embarrassed herself with the irony in this one particular post. Her audience are mainly young, impressionable women, and here she is pretending to support gender equality by giving an 11.4% discount code that represents the UK pay gap (of 11.4%) for women on a weight-loss produc...


This collection by Comme des Garcons focuses on the materials used within the fragrances, celebrating materials that would not usually be glorified as a wearable, luxurious scent. The advertising defies the typical fragrance advertisement by avoiding the way the scent makes you feel, and instead focuses on the materials and beautifies them in their own natural ways through visually communicating imagery and their selection of sleek bottle designs which each individually represent the key materials used in the fragrance, whether it is the way they smell or the way they look, or both. In the BBC perfume documentary a perfumer explains how texture and colour link to scent, which I remember finding rather striking. Comme des Garcons explore this unique and unknown fact about scent whilst also trying to create new scents that are unheard of in the fragrance market. As part of the Concrete perfume online advertisement found on the Comme des Garcons website, a statement reads ‘In a world wh...


In my current study about the fragrance market I have learnt that different types of consumers have different perspectives, wants and values when it comes to fragrance products, depending on the genre of the fragrance product. The three main genres I distinguished within the market are: designer fragrances, celebrity fragrances and niche fragrances. Although all are a scented liquid in a designed bottle, sold off a shelf in a shop, the production processes behind each one are very different. I found this rather interesting, and decided to produce a range of visual consumer profiles which represents why the consumer it attracted to that specific product type.  The Designer Fragrance Wearer The designer fragrance fan tends to purchase because of the brand name, as they want something that is instantly viewed as luxurious and expensive. The smells may be recognised due to their popularity and their association with the designer brand, which is what the consumer may desire. ...


Within my FCP study, analysis and critique is an important element of the process of generating my own work, and evaluating the existing work out there that inspires me. I've found that the analysis of fashion photography has massively helped to expand my descriptive vocabulary, and I enjoy brainstorming words/phrases that instantly come to mind when I look at an image, whether it is negative or positive, subjective or objective. Because of this, I decided to create my own exercise to improve my responsiveness to visual messages in fashion photography; below is a photograph taken by photographer Kimber Capriotti for Sicky Magazine, which I was immediately intrigued by at first sight, and I am going to brainstorm 200 adjectives below to describe the multiple ways I have interpreted the image. Collapsed Lifeless Unstructured  Dead Unidentifiable  Jelly Weak Slumped Fallen Helplessness Liquid Limbs Insect Contrast Monochrome Isolation Empty-space Backw...