Yesterday, after sarcastically calling an International Business student "funny" (don't worry, they were deserving of it), I was hit with the comeback "almost as funny as your career choice", out of the blue. Because of this comment, I am dedicating this blog post to the importance of creative subjects, a topic I personally feel very strongly about as a visual communication student. In an age where the average person's attention span is no longer than eight seconds, the truth of the matter is that the world has simply gone visual, and simply relying on text alone does not work anymore. Creativity is the key to our worlds progression and success. Without designers, the room you're sat in would not exist, as well as the chair you are sat on or the clothes you're wearing right now. I feel that the extent of the importance of creativity is often dismissed, and it isn't quite understood that design, creativity, art, etc, is a component of almost eve...