Fragrance, an industry worth billions, is one of the largest in market today and is a sector in the world of advertisement that we are constantly confronted with, whether it be on our television screens, social media, billboards or in magazines. Because my upcoming module focuses on fragrance, I have decided to address a universal conversation and in some way, a problem, that circulates around this industry - the sexualisation of fragrance; during my research on this topic I noticed that the two key areas that this applies to are: 1) the visual advertisements for fragrance products, and 2) the fragrance bottles designed for the perfume itself. Is this industry simply sexist? In all fairness, selling perfume is quite a tough mission, because it is quite literally selling something that you cannot see, or more importantly, smell, without having the product in front of you. Resultingly, advertising fragrance products heavily relies on communicating a concept. Because scent is intrinsi...